We’ve spent over 20 years challenging traditional ideas with innovative, training-intuitive platforms evolving our products, powering our design ethos, and celebrating our athletic community.


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Empowering Athletes and Those Who Train Them

We built our technology from a dad's desire to empower his son with better training. Our latest articles honor ideas of the past and advance them in service of tomorrow's generation of athletes.

Trent Mongero - Training Article


7 Creative Infield Drills To Effectively Develop Players with Trent Mongero

Winning Baseball fielding guru, ABCA Coach of the year, Trent Mongero shares infield drills you'll want to implement in your next practice.

Jerry Manuel - Coaching


Scouting Talent with Jerry Manuel

"The Sage" Jerry Manuel is former MLB Player, Manager, Coach, MLB Network Analyst, and CEO of the Jerry Manuel Foundation. He shares on scouting talent—seeing movement and rhythm.

Behind the Scenes

Let's Reimagine Practice

Introducing FungoMan, our most significant training innovation. The platform revolutionizes traditional training methods by hacking exact line drives, ground balls, fly balls for the purpose of making a premium efficiency-minded product. It's time to games. But first, let's win practice.

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Camille D.C. Sutton

Let's just say that I can hang with the best of them in a game of serious wiffle ball. An expert observer, baseball admirer, and baseball coach's daughter, I'm just here to share the latest and greatest in baseball development, baseball training, and maybe some of my peanuts at the ballpark.

Recent Posts

Individual Practice Ideas with FungoMan [Videos]

While other kids were watching Cable TV growing up, I remember watching the YES Network documentaries of Yankee greats, including the likes of Don Mattingly. I'll never forget hearing Mattingly talk about how obsessed he was with baseball in high school. He credits his high school coach for his unparalleled work ethic, challenging him to be the best on his team, best in his city, and best in the state, etc., etc. You wouldn't find Mattingly with other students at the cafeteria during lunch hour. You'd find him in the indoor batting cage set up in the basketball gymnasium. Those individual practice sessions during lunch period are the gems we at FungoMan value most in the makeup of a player's development. Check out the ways players are capitalizing on individual practice.
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Outstanding Outfield Drills with Coach Trent Mongero [Videos]

If outfield work brings to mind standing around and picking daisies, our take on outfield drills is anything but. Case in point: this hustle hard series of outfield drills is a sure fire way to spruce up your outfielders practice regiment. Get ready to stretch your range, own the warning track, and rob homeruns. Author of the Outfielding Drills eBook below and Coach, Trent Mongero's outfielder Dylan Lavendar made the Top 10 ESPN Play of the Week TWICE. Check it out!
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The Ultimate 1 Hour Baseball Practice [Infographic]

All coaches have a number of go-to drills they visit in practice every single day. Aside from the obvious ones like ground balls to infielders and BP, your favorites might be anything in your coaching repertoire from hot box, to double play drills, to long toss. Wouldn't it be great if you knew you could workout every position efficiently in an hour practice? That's exactly what this infographic is for. In practice, it's nice to have a regiment of go-to drills that can work for your team on specific skills for each position, while also keeping everyone engaged and challenged.
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