We’ve spent over 20 years challenging traditional ideas with innovative, training-intuitive platforms evolving our products, powering our design ethos, and celebrating our athletic community.


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Department of FungoMan Archives

Empowering Athletes and Those Who Train Them

We built our technology from a dad's desire to empower his son with better training. Our latest articles honor ideas of the past and advance them in service of tomorrow's generation of athletes.

Trent Mongero - Training Article


7 Creative Infield Drills To Effectively Develop Players with Trent Mongero

Winning Baseball fielding guru, ABCA Coach of the year, Trent Mongero shares infield drills you'll want to implement in your next practice.

Jerry Manuel - Coaching


Scouting Talent with Jerry Manuel

"The Sage" Jerry Manuel is former MLB Player, Manager, Coach, MLB Network Analyst, and CEO of the Jerry Manuel Foundation. He shares on scouting talent—seeing movement and rhythm.

Behind the Scenes

Let's Reimagine Practice

Introducing FungoMan, our most significant training innovation. The platform revolutionizes traditional training methods by hacking exact line drives, ground balls, fly balls for the purpose of making a premium efficiency-minded product. It's time to games. But first, let's win practice.

Latest Stories

Deep Practice: Secrets To Creating Skill

"When you operate at the edge of your ability, when you're making errors, when you're struggling with a new concept -- your learning speed goes up 10x." Daniel Coyle's The Talent Code seems counter intuitive, right? We usually connect failure with lack of ability or lack of talent. But what if we were wrong? Here's the thing -- the way we think about practice directly affects the productivity of our practice. Practice could be full of "failures" and simultaneously the players are making those small adjustments that inch them closer to mastery of skill.
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Feats of Strength: Improve Your Mental Game [Slideshare]

Yogi Berra once said, "90 percent of the game is half mental." Our man Yogi may not have been the best with the concept of percentages, but he knew a thing or two about the mental game of baseball. Recently our good friend Donnie Moore made a visit to speak to the Royals at Spring Training. With demonstrations of strength and motivational talks, he effectively releases tremendous amounts of drive and desire. Here you'll find some great content to sharpen your mental game, unlock your inner motivation, and discover how to draw out the best work ethic of your players.
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