Baseball Jargon Only Baseball Folk Understand [Infographic]

Posted by Camille D.C. Sutton | Nov 18, 2015 12:00:00 PM
Ever heard something about baseball that you didn't understand? You're not alone.
As a kid growing up around baseball, you'd hear phrases like "he's got soft hands" or "that ball was smoked!" and maybe scratch your head wondering what all this meant? Was it good or bad that his hands where soft? Is a "smoked ball" a fast pitch or a hard hit "zinger"?
While language is always evolving, so does baseball slang among players and fans. So until further notice, here's a little examination on the taken-for-granted baseball terms that baseball enthusiasts know, leaving the rest "caught looking."




 We hope you enjoyed reading these phrases as much as we had fun talking about them for this post. As long as baseball's still America's favorite pastime, the language and culture of the game will continue thriving.

Now, you might be thinking of a few others we failed to include; so, if you've got more, feel free to comment below and we'll include them in the next batch of baseball jargon goodness.

If these old-school phrases weren't enough for you, check out the future of baseball communication in emojis that created. Our friends at the St. Louis Gamers Academy have discovered some other futuristic, techy ways to improve their players' training, for what we believe will be for the betterment of the sport. 



Topics: Baseball Training, Baseball, Baseball Jargon, Baseball trivia, How Much FungoMan Costs

Written by Camille D.C. Sutton

Let's just say that I can hang with the best of them in a game of serious wiffle ball. An expert observer, baseball admirer, and baseball coach's daughter, I'm just here to share the latest and greatest in baseball development, baseball training, and maybe some of my peanuts at the ballpark.

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