TRAIN FOR THE GAME: A Baseball Practice Playlist by FungoMan

Posted by Camille D.C. Sutton | Feb 8, 2018 12:00:00 PM


Time. Talent. Treasure.

It's been said that where you invest these three items will tell you what you care about most. And the fact that you're reading this post says that you invest your valuable time, talent, and treasure in baseball training. 

You're in luck. The baseball practice playlist our team has curated was made with you in mindthe baseball training investor. So take the field, do what you love to do. Develop your program, your team, your players, and your coaching strategies.

We're here to empower you. And to offer a few tunes while you do it. Enjoy. 


Got some songs/playlists we should know about? Feel free to comment below with your favorite song to get you pumped for practice and gametime. If you dig the playlist, give it a follow, share it with your players and coaches! Go get 'em.



Topics: Baseball Practice, FungoMan, Baseball music

Written by Camille D.C. Sutton

Let's just say that I can hang with the best of them in a game of serious wiffle ball. An expert observer, baseball admirer, and baseball coach's daughter, I'm just here to share the latest and greatest in baseball development, baseball training, and maybe some of my peanuts at the ballpark.

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